We believe travellers to Italy – which we call Scouts – who want to grasp the fifth essence of Italy in all its “facets” MUST visit this beautiful country with a different mindset, away from the old same itineraries and schemes, with the advice of people who truly know Italy deeply and personally.
So, how to pick the right travel for YOU without the risk to be disappointed and eventually regretting the choice you have made, maybe because you were in a hurry or your trusted agent did not give you all the details about your destination?
Instead of asking to a common travel agency for a vacation in Italy, just to get always the same itineraries with the frustration NOT to find something different and exciting to do, wasting time in internet on endless researches which probably will lead nowhere, get in touch with us, subscribe to Scout Italy now! (It’s FREE)
– Where can I go on vacation in Italy according to my interests?
– How can I get the maximum advantage from my vacation?
– How can I explore different and enticing places of interest in Italy?
– Where can I find people who can help me to choose the right itineraries for me and that really knows the places I’m going to visit?
– How can I avoid bad surprises?